Using Telehealth for cancer care

August 27, 2020

Facilitated by Dr Chris Jackson, a panel of experts will share their experiences and thoughts on the benefits and challenges ahead for telehealth in cancer care.

Professor Sabe Sabesan has pioneered several teleoncology models for enhancing rural access to cancer services across Queensland and Australia, in partnership with various stakeholders.

Their research led to the development of COSA Practice Guidelines for teleoncology, Queensland Remote Chemotherapy Supervision model and the Australasian Teletrial Model. Currently, Sabe is on the board of COSA, co-chairs the COSA Australian teletrial Consortium and steering committee to roll out the Teletrial Model across Australia.


  • Dr Claire Hardie - Radiation Oncologist and Clinical Executive, Cancer Screening, Treatment and Support, MidCentral DHB
  • Michelle Mako - Equity Director, Te Aho o Te Kahu, Cancer Control Agency
  • Dr Richard Isaacs - Medical Oncologist and Head of Medical Oncology at Palmerston North Hospital
  • Marie Wales - Manager of Supportive Care Services for Cancer Society Otago/Southland division

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